Compostable Yard & Garden Waste
The Town DOES NOT dispose of Leaf/Yard Waste. Compostable yard and garden waste is accepted at 4070 Stever Hill
What is accepted:
- Leaf waste
- Grass clippings from lawns that have NOT been treated with herbicides (i.e. any type of "Weed N Feed" product)
- Vegetable based kitchen/garden scraps
- Livestock manure and straw/hay based bedding (larger volumes need to make arrangements ahead of time by emailing
- Non-treated wood chips (i.e. from a tree service)
What is NOT accepted:
- Rocks
- Sticks larger in diameter than 1/2"
- Trash of any sort i.e.: cigarette butts, water bottles, Styrofoam, etc.
- Ashes of any sort
- Carcasses/meat scraps/bones
- Dog/Cat waste/litter
- Anything non-compostable
If you bring leaves/yard waste in bags you MUST dump them and take the bags with you.
Anything NOT listed as accepted is prohibited.
These lists are subject to change.